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Province: Villa Clara
Country: Cuba
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The city of Remedios, geographically localized in the central province of Villa Clara, stands out in the Cuban tourist agenda by the attractions offered by their nature and the cultural traditions arrivals of yesteryear. In fact, the so-called San Juan de los Remedios, eighth Town founded by the Spanish colonists in the island beyond by the XVI century, brings a unique touch to the leisure industry in the territory.

The historic center of the town, declared a National Monument in 1980, has its starting point in the current plaza Jose Marti, formerly known as of the parish and of Isabel II, flanked by beautiful poinciana trees, with buildings characteristics of that time, as is the Casa del Alférez Real and the arcades. It also located - as single exponent in the country - two churches: Our Lady of Good Voyage and Parish greater than John the Baptist. This last is an altar plating on gold and a sculpture that represents the Immaculate Conception pregnant, considered by the specialists as an exponent without equal in the world. It is worth mentioning that in the architecture of the heart of the villa abound the extensive free portals with form of corridors, large windows, wrought iron and large eaves supported on peculiar corbels of wood.

However, the item most known of the city this in the famous Parrandas, folk custom that began in 1820 and later spread to 17 other towns and villages in the country, in franco attachment to traditions. Considered the oldest in Cuba, the festivities have arisen through the action of the Father Francisco Vigil de Quiñones, to be officiating at the Church of the village of San Juan de los Remedios. The priest, concerned by the absence of parishioners to call Mass del Gallo, devised that boys of the people came to the street and a wake-up call with noise of whistles, horns and cans to the neighbors, leaving them no other option than to leave their beds and go to the call.

This unique and noisy initiative found roots in the population, emerging as well as one of the most attractive holiday of the country, and already toward 1871 adopted the structure which in essence maintained in the streets of remedies. In the Parrandas collide as contenders the neighborhoods of San Salvador, whose bank has the color red/blue and Rooster as a symbol, and El Carmen, with the brown and represented by the Sparrowhawk. In accordance with tradition, once the bells of the Parish Church Greater announce the nine o`clock in the night of 24 December, each side discovers the creative ability and commitment posts for a whole year in the preparation of the different elements to compete. Floats, lanterns, fireworks, work of plaza and traditional music reveals the items that are designed and built in secret throughout the year by the followers of each neighborhood. The typical music of the Parrandas is the chime, which recalls the ringing of the bells that they called to the mass of the bonus, with the presence of instruments such as railings, cowbells, drums and trumpets and fanfares.

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