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The Iznaga Tower: A Sentry of the Past
Date: DEC 04, 2006
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Slavery, a phenomenon linked to Spanish colonization in Cuba and the need for cheap labor force, is present everywhere in the Caribbean Island, as well as in its culture, traditions and history.

Thousands of Africans were uprooted from their homes and brought to Cuba by force, bringing along their customs and even their religions.

The African slaves made a major contribution to the formation of Cuban nationality and their influence is still alive today.

In that context, Villa de la Santísima Trinidad (Village of the Holy Trinity) is a living example of centuries-old traditions that have survived the passage of time.

Trinidad, one of the first villages founded by the Spanish conquistadors in Cuba, holds one of the most complete and best preserved architectural complexes in the Americas.

In that historic environment, Valle de los Ingenios (Sugar Mills' Valley) is a place of reference, along with the Iznaga Tower, which is a silent sentry of a past characterized by the boom of sugar factories in Trinidad, where slave work was the engine of the region's economic development.

The Iznaga Tower was built in 1816, when Cuban architecture was characterized by eclecticism. The seven-story building is 45 meters high and is crowned by a watchtower from where sugarcane plantations could be seen.

According to experts, the bell on top of the tower was used to call the slaves to work and rest, and to announce prayers to the Holy Virgin in the morning, midday and afternoon.

It was also used to send a warning in case of fire and runaway slaves. The watchtower was an excellent place to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the valley.

For a long time, it was the most beautiful and tallest tower in the country, and the best place to watch the movement of slaves working in the sugar factories in Valle de los Ingenios.

The origin of the Iznaga Tower also has a good dose of legend, linked to the Iznaga brothers, who were rich landowners and sugar mill proprietors.

One of the stories says that the tower was built as a result of a dispute between the two brothers, who were in love with the same young woman, so they decided to build a structure whose length in meters would define the winner of the woman's heart.

Another story says that Alejo had ordered to build the tower to confine his wife, who had been unfaithful to him.

An unequivocal symbol of the region, the Iznaga Tower continues to be a sign of the village's wealth as a result of the development of the sugar industry and trade.

Colonial houses, the remains of sugar mills and a village known as the City of Museums in Cuba are attractive options for thousands of foreign tourists who visit the Caribbean Island every year.

Tower at Manaca-Iznaga Sugar Mill, Trinidad
Iznagas's house, "Ingenios's" Valley.
Ingenios's Valley. Trinidad.
Iznaga Tower. Trinidad.
Sugar cane culture in Ingenios's Valley. Trinidad.
View from Iznaga Tower. Trinidad.
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    Tower at Manaca-Iznaga Sugar Mill, Trinidad

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    Tower at Manaca-Iznaga Sugar Mill, Trinidad Iznagas's house, "Ingenios's" Valley. Ingenios's Valley. Trinidad. Iznaga Tower. Trinidad. Sugar cane culture in Ingenios's Valley. Trinidad. View from Iznaga Tower. Trinidad. View from Iznaga Tower. Trinidad. Iznagas's house, "Ingenios's" Valley.
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