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Cuba: Urban Tourism in the Caribbean
Date: JUL 16, 2012
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Cuba, a highly demanded tourist destination in the Caribbean, has a vast historic and cultural heritage that complements the diversity of leisure options for visitors.

The recreational options in the Cuban archipelago are supported by its natural, cultural and historic richness, with hundreds of excellent beaches distributed all over the country.

Nevertheless, cities must also be taken into consideration by the tourist industry, a tendency that is steadily increasing.

In this sense, the country’s capital city, Havana, stands out for its traditions, architecture, culture and the Caribbean climate; accompanied by a large number of facilities for the tourist activity.

Havana’s historic heart comprises several museums, churches, cultural institutions and buildings which date back to colonial times, including about 33,000 constructions built during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Meanwhile, within the web of streets and alleys that characterize the oldest part of the city, a network of small lodging facilities, where time seems to have stopped but including all the comforts of modern life, can be found.

Likewise, all along the Malecón Avenue there are many hotels that represent tourist traditions in the country, among them, the Riviera hotel and the National hotel.

Also, in the country’s central area, the city of Cienfuegos stands out for its two dozen libraries, 11 museums, over 30 movie theaters and five theaters; all complemented by cultural institutions, art galleries and monuments which reflect the Cuban traditions for the enjoyment of domestic and foreign visitors.

Cienfuegos has the only Triumphal Arch existing in Cuba, which was built in 1902; the Tomas Terry Theater, one of the three most important theaters in the 19th century, where Enrique Caruso sang, among other relevant world artists.

In addition, the western city of Matanzas, capital of the province by the same name and also known as the Athens of Cuba or even as the Venice of the Americas, due to its rivers and canals, has shown a dynamic commercial and cultural life since colonial times.

This urban scenery also includes the City of Camagüey, capital of the province by the same name, which was founded under the name of Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe.

Camagüey is also known as “La Ciudad de los Tinajones” (The City of Large Earthenware Jars) since this type of earthenware container was widely used for storing rain water for various uses; nowadays they are mainly a decoration in gardens and parks.

The island has a large number of museums, nearly 290 such facilities, including 14 art museums, seven for science and technology, five ethnographic and anthropological museums and 68 museums of history.

Capitolio. Dome.
City of Camagüey
Agramonte Park
Camagüey. Principal Theater
Camagüey. Patio with "tinajones" (large earthenware jars)
Night view of Paula Church
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    Capitolio. Dome.

    Choose a small photo to enlarge:
    Capitolio. Dome. City of Camagüey Agramonte Park Camagüey. Principal Theater Camagüey. Patio with "tinajones" (large earthenware jars) Night view of Paula Church Castle of the Royal Force City Museum Santa Isabel Hotel El Templete (Small Temple) Jagua Castle, Cienfuegos Cathedral of Cienfuegos Valle Palace, Cienfuegos Valle Palace, Cienfuegos Martí Park, Cienfuegos Martí Park, Cienfuegos Terry Theater, Cienfuegos View of the Castle of the Three Kings of El Morro from Havana`s Malecón Card Museum Center for the Development of Visual Arts La Cabaña Fortress La Punta Fortress Inglaterra Hotel. Bar Cafeteria Façade of Inglaterra Hotel. Night view Façade of Inglaterra Hotel. San Pedro de la Roca. Outside view San Pedro de la Roca. Outside view San Pedro de la Roca. Museum of Piracy Nacional de Cuba Hotel. Panoramic view Nacional de Cuba Hotel. Façade Nacional de Cuba Hotel. Swimming pool Plaza Hotel. Double room Plaza Hotel. Terrace Plaza Hotel. Lobby View from Malecón (seafront) View of El Morro from the Prado Promenade.
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