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Tourism: Cities and Nature in Cuba
Date: DEC 03, 2012
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Cuba, an archipelago full of tourist attractions, has in its natural richness one of the most interesting options for visitors.

The Cuban natural environment, characterized by a high level of endemism, is combined with hundreds of kilometers of excellent beaches, with white sands and crystal-clear waters; as well as programs of cultural, historical and health tourism.

Initially, tourism in the island was almost exclusively oriented to traditional sun and beach options, but the range of tourist options has widened, including ecotourism and activities related to visitors’ quality of life.

Several health facilities existing in the country have been used in this sense; while there are hotels specialized in different therapies and resorts with medicinal waters which are used in the treatment of various ailments.

Precisely, this type of tourism is included among the most preferred options by vacationers coming from the Americas and Europe, who are interested in combining leisure with quality of life.

In addition, natural reserves, biosphere reserves, natural landscapes, national parks and protected areas make up an extensive network of offers characterized by its richness, excellent conservation and unique features of the region.

These tourist options are complemented by urban alternatives across the country, where the cities’ architectural heritage contributed by the Spanish presence in Cuba and the eventual European influence after colony time, stands out.

In this environment, Cuban capital city, previously known as San Cristobal de La Habana, currently represents a living museum of the most diverse construction styles that portray its different development stages.

Havana’s fortress system, led by the emblematic Castillo de Los Tres Reyes del Morro, comprised nine large constructions to make up –as experts say- the most outstanding complex of its kind in Spanish America.

Likewise, close to 140 buildings, located in the city’s historic heart, date back to the 16th and 17th centuries, while about 200 were built in the 18th century and over 460 in the 19th; thus achieving a very attractive combination for the most demanding tastes.

Havana’s urban area is also characterized by its numerous squares such as the Arms, Cathedral, Old and Christ Squares, as well as the Saint Francis of Assisi square which is located next to the convent and church by the same name.

On the other hand, eastern Cuba has the village of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Baracoa (Our Lady of the Assumption of Baracoa), founded by Governor Diego Velázquez between 1511 and 1512, which came to be the first Cuban capital and diocese.

City Museum
Castle of the Royal Force
View, San Miguel Hotel
Scuba diving
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  • Gallery
    City Museum

    Choose a small photo to enlarge:
    City Museum Castle of the Royal Force View, San Miguel Hotel Scuba diving Parrot Coral. Night view of Paula Church City of Baracoa City of Baracoa . Monte Mar Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas Guamá Façade, El Comendador Hotel Entrance, Los Frailes Hotel Lobby, Los Frailes Hotel Night outside view, San Miguel Hotel Foyer, Tejadillo Hotel Coffee Nook, Valencia Inn Restaurant, Conde de Villanueva Hotel View of the Castle of the Three Kings of El Morro from Havana`s Malecón Center for the Development of Visual Arts Flamingo Aquatic bird. Macaw Balloonfish La Rusa Hotel. Side view of the hotel Façade of La Rusa Hotel. View from Malecón (seafront) View of El Morro from the Prado Promenade. Tocororo. National bird.
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